Tip 1: You can never out exercise a poor diet. While yes every now and again it’s ok to treat yourself with junk food and even fast food. Although you will start naturally gravitating away from those. I can only speak from experience about how I feel after I eat some kind of value meal. There is some level of instant gratification . . . then it sits like a rock in my stomach. Ugh.
Tip 2: Cut out all fast food or at least minimize it to once a month. Yes this even means what I would call high end fast food. Typically if it has a drive through . . . keep driving through.
Tip 3: Avoid and minimize your soda intake. Yes empty calories.
Tip 4: Drink more water. Always keep yourself hydrated.
Remember that losing weight and getting healthy takes time. How long did it take you to get where you are right now? Be patient with yourself.